I had a bit of time this evening to strip the switch a bit further. I even managed to get it back together!
I have turned the centre sliding part over to show the underneath. There are two equal length springs under the copper contacts. The spring for the ball bearing detent is slightly fatter and longer. There is an even longer skinny spring for the left/right slider, and finally the up and down one, which is not shown in this photo.
You need about six hands to put it all back together. I had to tie the slider and up/down spring with its cover all up in one, with lots of turns of cotton, which I then could cut once the switch assembly was back in its housing. I don't know how reassembly will work with the thumb knob in place.
Good luck!
1982 1100 Kat left handlebar switch
- johnr
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Re: 1982 1100 Kat left handlebar switch
no, everybody got the 1000 as well as the 1100, the usa however didnt get the full fat version of the 1000, due to the strict emissions laws over the pond, american market kat 1000's got their bikes with the same cv carbs as the 1100 got, whereas the rest of the world when it bought the 1000 got it with the vm32 slide carbs instead of the cv'sBikeazoid wrote: ↑Wed Oct 14, 2020 12:17 amThanks Blix, I thought the 1000 motor had stronger crank and rods. If I could find an 1150es motor I would. Also I'm in the US, I don't think anyone here cares about the Kat motors.
Why is the 1000 motor so sought after. I hear only the US got those, you guys got 1100's every year. Do you import our 1000 motors from the US?
I was wondering about the 36's I heard I would loose torque with them.
Also I read here somewhere that the US Kat 1000's were less collectable because we had crappy CV carbs and lame wheels.
everybody got the same wheels, the ones sold in australia and nz and sa with wire wheels were fitted with the wheels by the importers, they didnt leave the factory with them on.
- jerry
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Re: 1982 1100 Kat left handlebar switch
That's brilliant...thanks David. Can see from that how it all fits. Thankyou for taking the time to strip down yours. Cheers mate
GSX 1000 1982 (Standard except carbs, Harris exhaust, 1100 barrels, pistons and head, GSXR forks, bandit 1200 wheels, hagon shocks, bandit rear brake, ZX9 front brakes cbr9 drop down top yoke and high bars!!)
GSF 1200 K6 2006 Naked
GSX 1000 1982 (Standard except carbs, Harris exhaust, 1100 barrels, pistons and head, GSXR forks, bandit 1200 wheels, hagon shocks, bandit rear brake, ZX9 front brakes cbr9 drop down top yoke and high bars!!)
GSF 1200 K6 2006 Naked
- johnr
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Re: 1982 1100 Kat left handlebar switch
theres one for sale on the kat fb page, but its in the states. good nick though, its even still got the painted arrows and lettering on the face.
- johnr
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Re: 1982 1100 Kat left handlebar switch
uk got both 1000 and 1100 motors, whats more, we also got the kat 1000 with the pukka 32mm vm slide carbs as designed at the factory where the usa got cv's. thou motor is sought after because its rarer.Bikeazoid wrote: ↑Wed Oct 14, 2020 12:17 amThanks Blix, I thought the 1000 motor had stronger crank and rods. If I could find an 1150es motor I would. Also I'm in the US, I don't think anyone here cares about the Kat motors.
Why is the 1000 motor so sought after. I hear only the US got those, you guys got 1100's every year. Do you import our 1000 motors from the US?
I was wondering about the 36's I heard I would loose torque with them.
Also I read here somewhere that the US Kat 1000's were less collectable because we had crappy CV carbs and lame wheels.