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1982 1100 Kat left handlebar switch

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2020 9:55 am
by jerry
Hi...hoping someone can help.
Almost finished a self rewire of my Kat...everything seems ok other than main lamp. Tracked it back to broken hi/low beam etc switch. Sorted out the problem (I think!) but stupidly having never taken the switch assembly apart, didn't take pictures first.
I have 2 springs which go somewhere but have no idea where (yellow dot). Also in pic (red dot) is a small spring in the little hole.
Feel stupid but hoping for help :( :D ...thanks

Re: 1982 1100 Kat left handlebar switch

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2020 10:06 am
by Lexdba
I believe those springs are captive behind those brass sliders?

Re: 1982 1100 Kat left handlebar switch

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2020 10:49 am
by jerry
Thanks...I have those two springs in place under the sliders, so something else. Cheers

Re: 1982 1100 Kat left handlebar switch

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2020 7:06 pm
by Bikeazoid
Regarding the rewire, that seems like a big project. Can we still get a wiring harness for this thing? Or does after market make them. I plan on getting a modern ignition system, but was wondering for the rest of the running gear.

Re: 1982 1100 Kat left handlebar switch

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2020 8:04 pm
by Lexdba
IIRC there's two springs that slot into the sliding part that make it return to center. It's truly a POS to work on and you can never get them fixed if they're broken.

Re: 1982 1100 Kat left handlebar switch

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2020 8:06 pm
by Lexdba
Bikeazoid wrote:
Tue Oct 13, 2020 7:06 pm
Regarding the rewire, that seems like a big project. Can we still get a wiring harness for this thing? Or does after market make them. I plan on getting a modern ignition system, but was wondering for the rest of the running gear.
Plenty of harnesses kicking about. GS1100E/ET/ES/EFE can be adapted. Biggest difference is the turn signal relay. What do you want to achieve with a different ignition system? The stock stuff is plenty for stock power. Dyna coils etc. only come into play with big bores and flat slides...

Re: 1982 1100 Kat left handlebar switch

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2020 8:55 pm
by Bikeazoid
Thanks for replying, I thought converting it to a more modern setup would make it more consistent. At least that's what I got from this guy.

I want to do a modest bore and 34 Mikuni flat slides also.

Re: 1982 1100 Kat left handlebar switch

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2020 12:17 am
by Bikeazoid
Thanks Blix, I thought the 1000 motor had stronger crank and rods. If I could find an 1150es motor I would. Also I'm in the US, I don't think anyone here cares about the Kat motors.

Why is the 1000 motor so sought after. I hear only the US got those, you guys got 1100's every year. Do you import our 1000 motors from the US?

I was wondering about the 36's I heard I would loose torque with them.

Also I read here somewhere that the US Kat 1000's were less collectable because we had crappy CV carbs and lame wheels.

Re: 1982 1100 Kat left handlebar switch

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2020 9:06 am
by GSF34058
Three times over the years I have had the turn/main/dip button fall off whilst I have been out riding. Perhaps I use the indicators too much??

Twice I replaced it with a genuine Suzuki assembly. After it came off the third time I managed to grab hold of the button and use it to make an improved metal slider part that goes in the switch. This has not come out (yet!).

I still have one original switch unit, without the button. I have partially stripped it and here is a photo of the inside. If you need me to take it apart further just let me know. I can also take higher resolution photos.

I'm not too sure about the location of the two black parts at the top. They fell out as I took the switch apart. I do know that the flimsy plastic part goes back in first, then the thicker part with the slots in it, but I'm not yet sure which way around they go.


Re: 1982 1100 Kat left handlebar switch

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2020 5:58 pm
by jerry
Thanks David...that's a great help. Shows clearly where one of the springs goes :D I know how the two black bits of plastic just one more spring and a small ball bearing to go. It is a pain putting it back together but once I know how the last two bits fit will persevere till done :)