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Whitwell & Reepham station.
Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2015 10:28 am
by kiwi k
As always great nite included meeting small handful of members (you know who you are), 1st time i've ever seen 6 Katana's there at once, and best nite iv'e had there as met a few old mates from yesteryear + an old school mate (beginning to feel old) must off been good i was last bike to leave
. Not bad considering there was 100's there but always a great atmosphere and less idiots than Old buck Ox + plough.
So thanks to all who took time to speak and looking to next time
Re: Whitwell & Reepham station.
Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2015 8:58 pm
by Uncle Bob
Yes - finally the East got social
Nice to finally meet Kryten and see you again. Yeah I kept hearing comments from people about Kats being like buses... I'll have to get some KOC flyers made up as 2 of those Kats weren't in the club.
It was fun putting the 400 and 1100 next to each other and watching people try to work it out.
Hopefully see you at The Fenman Classic on Monday.
Kryten said he was doing the Norfolk 300 on the 6th Sept. so he should be parked up at the Forum in Norwich at the end - I'll be in Norwich as the missus has me doing other duties unfortunately (so I can't do), so hopefully will pop across to see him.
Re: Whitwell & Reepham station.
Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2015 8:14 am
by Kryten
6 Kats out on the same night is not bad, plus I met up with some one else not far from where I live who has a 750, he was out on his RD400 on Friday.
The green framed one is my mate Drew's that he has had for 20 years. But the 1000 was one I'd not seen before, had a quick chat to the owner. He's from Norwich and has had that one for over 21 years.
Re: Whitwell & Reepham station.
Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2015 10:39 am
by kiwi k
Thankfully as always was a good Nite made better by the company old and new (Not age related)
And to everybody else yes you read right he said green frame
definitely different
And even a greedy git sporting 2 ridden in Kats on the nite
And as for them Bloody thou's every tom dick and harry owns 1 nowadays
Hopefully Kryten catch up with you at the Forum
Ride safe and be careful.