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The 400/ 1200 .

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2021 9:10 pm
by fossie

Re: The 400/ 1200 .

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2021 7:44 pm
by Bikeazoid
Strange he mentions how fast he went in MPH, I thought you guys talked about KPH....

Re: The 400/ 1200 .

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2021 8:17 pm
by fossie
Bikeazoid wrote:
Tue Jul 13, 2021 7:44 pm
Strange he mentions how fast he went in MPH, I thought you guys talked about KPH....
WHY WOULD WE USE KPH? We are not French we gave YOU lbs and miles ...because we "found" the new world ...the French "found" the bit above you ( Canada) because we knew it was uninhabitable :lol: and they gave it metre's and kilometres ..
Only when you lot paid the French for them help oust us did you concede to drive on the wrong side ....but still measure correctly :lol:

Re: The 400/ 1200 .

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2021 3:07 am
by Bikeazoid
Hey Fossy, thanks for that. Since I'm the slow learning Yank, explain this, if your speedos (not the French swimwear) show in K's, why quote in MPH?

Fun fact. When I dated a English girl back in like 2003 or so, she told me how obsessed/refined you English are on facts, stats, numbers and quotes, she had stories on pub quizzes that would blow me away. I met her "Stratford Upon Avon" living brother who was 6 foot 6 inches (12 stones?) when he would come here to the US.

He had so many facts from early 80s bands to much more about US politics than I will ever know, I had a bond with him because he was knowledgeable and humble, fun to talk to and strangely proper. Also polite to everyone, in a way I have never known before or after.

Yes i went off topic but Fossy brings that out of me :)

Re: The 400/ 1200 .

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2021 10:12 pm
by fossie
Ok , so our UK market vehicles .....(this is all pre digital speedo because now a press of a button gives you kph or mph :roll: ,) have miles per hour on the clocks ....but in smaller we have kilometres just in case we want venture across the trench...
However because most of our Katana's are grey imports , as in registered elsewhere first then came us as second hand bikes in the early- mid 90's during the grey market explosion due to the yen being worth nothing against the pound ( money not US weight * ) they had kilometre per hour clocks
( granted some came from the USA and had miles ...sometimes only up to 80 ;) :lol: :lol: :lol: :x )

So we just learn to translate one to the other .
As an aside Jap market bikes have kmh clocks but as they drive on the correct side of the road as per most of the world , the headlamp shines the correct way .Not the wrong side which both the French and Yanks believe to be the correct side even though they are in the in the minority :x :x :lol: These bikes need a headlamp change ...or a piece of black tape to alter the beam .:mrgreen:

* 12 stones is 168 pounds wieght :ugeek: We never and don't understand how Americans give people's wieght in pounds , we can't comprehend it , we use pounds and ounces ..14 lbs is a stone . :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Re: The 400/ 1200 .

Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2021 3:50 am
by Bikeazoid
Fossie, thanks for entertaining me and the thoughtfulness. OK so a stone is 14 lbs.

Also I always remember that 300 mpk is 186 mph because of that limit on top speed that the US never agreed to, but got stuck with.