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Tricky 'sticky' Starter

Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2017 6:30 pm
by Phatbluekat
Two question puzzle. Help appreciated folx.

My 750sz runs really well, starts well too, likes a bit of choke in the cold, I'm getting on and don't operate well without a coffee in the morning either -I get it. Zip needed in the warm.

When its hot and is stopped after a 20 mile+ run and I try to start it again - the starter motor 'sticks' (which is the only way to describe it). It acts like the battery is flat and fails to turn the motor and idle gear to start the engine effectively. Started doing it a few months back now its constant. Couldn't fathom it, but, and it took a time to work this out, after its cooled for about 20mins it starts fine -on the button.

Not sure what's expanding so it won't rotate effectively and causes enough friction/resistance to defeat the starter motor -Its the old OEM unit from the machine's birth which may have lost some power over the years...If anybody has a clue to what it might be really like to hear your thoughts.

Question 1: Is it worth getting a new starter motor or just replacing the contactors for the unit?

Question 2: Does a 1981/2 gsx750sz GR71A use the same as the equivalent 1000sz/1100sz starter motor -are they interchangeable?

Re: Tricky 'sticky' Starter

Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2017 8:37 pm
by fossie
The first thing to check would be god starter solonoid , just to eliminate it. With ignition on put a screw driver across the terminals. Does it start.? If not could be the problem.
Clean all the earths from frame to battery and starter motor.
Check the tightness of lead from starter to solonoid .
When this starting issue happens , put the bike into first or second gear and rock it back and forth then press starter, does it help? If so starter contacts.

In answer to the questions , the contacts are readily available and easily fitted.

Re: Tricky 'sticky' Starter

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2017 7:31 am
by Phatbluekat
Starter solenoid is good/new batt too -Cleaned all contacts a few months ago, will clean again just to be sure and test those contacts today! Thanks Fossie

Re: Tricky 'sticky' Starter

Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2017 7:34 pm
by Phatbluekat
Thanks Fossie, Its was the starter motor Brushes in the end, delivery + Vat = £20.34 from Robinsonsfoundry and I don't have to park on hills no more...

Just for future ref -will a starter from an early 1000/1100sz fit a 750sz? -guesstimating probably will...