So it’s been years since I’ve been on here, the reason? Well me and the pop up fell out with each other. Tapper adjuster number 3 took a swan dive and locked the engine up. So it got shoved in the workshop and forgotten about.
Had a lot going on the last 3 years so it really wasn’t top of my priority list. But I finally got around to getting the engine to a friend and he started to look into it. I now need some parts to coax it back into life (want to keep the engine as I love it and don’t want a B12 in it like everyone suggested)
I could do with an inner clutch basket (loads of play on mine) and a gearbox selector fork. The one that’s on its own.
I also need cam chain guides and seals, but I hope they can still be bought new. Need to have a look.
Hopefully get the old girl back on the road this year
Long time, help needed. Parts
- fossie
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Re: Long time, help needed. Parts
I have a spare pop up engine ...I was saving it just in case .....but if you need it ££175 , its what I paid ...